GIBSON GA-9 Description
- 10W, 1-8 in. (1954-56) or 1-10 in. Jensen (1956-59) speaker, four-tube chassis: preamp: 6SJ7, power: 2 X 6V6, rectifier: 5Y3, single channel, top-mounted chrome control panel, two inst. inputs, two knobs (v, tone), available in light brown covering with a square brown cloth grille and "Gibson 9" logo centered above the grille (1954-56) or tweed covering with a large dark brown grille and "Gibson" centered above the grille (1956-59), 4,319 shipped, mfg. 1954-59.
This model was sold with the BR-9 Steel Guitar also. This model was originally named the BR-9 and was changed to the GA-9 in 1954. In 1956, the cabinet size was increased to 17.5 in. wide and 13 in. tall, the speaker was changed to 1-10 in. Jensen from an 8 in., and the Gibson 9 logo was mounted above the grille. In 1958, a Gibson logo was placed above the grille, the handle became metal with a plastic middle, and the cabinet dimensions changed to 20 in. wide, 16 in. tall, 9 in. deep, and 20 lbs.