- 30W, 2-12 in. Vox Celestion Alnico speakers, guitar combo, 10-tube chassis: preamp: 4 X 12AX7 (ECC83), 1 X 12AU7 (ECC82), power: 4 X EL84, rectifier: GZ34 (5AR4), three channels, vibrato/tremolo, top control panel, six inputs (two per channel, vib/trem, normal, brilliant), six black pointer knobs (vib/trem speed, vib/trem depth, three volumes, one per channel, tone), blond covering, brown grille, mfg. 1961-1972.

The AC-30/4 and AC-30/6 were produced concurrently in 1961, but the AC-30/4 was quickly discontinued in favor of the AC-30/6. Several variations of the AC-30/6 were produced including bass, normal, and treble models that were all voiced differently for their application.

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