- 40W, 2-12 in. speakers, tube chassis, preamp: 3 X 7025, 12AX7, 2 X 12AT7, power: 2 X 6L6GC, GZ34 rectifier, tremolo, reverb, silverface control panel, four inputs, (two normal, two vibrato), nine silver-top knobs (Norm: bs, v, t, b, Vibrato: bs, v, t, b, r, s, i), tilt back legs, black tolex covering, silver grille, mfg. 1967-1981.
In 1968, a change in the bias section occured (Model AB6686). In 1969, the cathode was brought back to ground (Model AA1069). In 1972, the output is increased to 45W by using a different rectifier, and increased voltage in the output stage. In 1976, a master volume knob is added and a pull distortion switch. In 1981, the Pro Reverb went back to the blackface. At this time the output was raised to 70W, the tubes were changed to: preamp: 4 X 7025, 2 X 12AT7, power: 2 X 6L6, and had twelve black knobs with a middle added to each channel.