- 100W, head-unit only, all tube Class A/B chassis, preamp: 5 X 12AX7, power: 4 X 6L6, rectifiers: 2 X 5U4, three channels, eight modes, front black control panel, single input, 20 chrome knobs (Ch. 1: g, b, m, t, p, MV, Ch. 2: g, b, m, t, p, MV, Ch. 3: g, b, m, t, p, MV, output level, solo), Ch. 1 clean/pushed mode switch, Ch. 1 50W/100W power switch (2010-present), Ch. 2 Vintage/Raw/Modern mode switch, Ch. 2 50W/100W power switch (2010-present), Ch. 3 Vintage/Raw/Modern mode switch, Ch. 3 50W/100W power switch (2010-present), power switch, standby switch, rear panel: five speaker jacks, rectifier selector, bias switch, effects loop, five footswitchable jacks, tuner out jack (2010-present), Black Taurus covering, black chassis, black Taurus or polished diamond front, five button footswitch included, mfg. 1996-present.
In 2000, this model was upgraded to Series II specifications, and in 2010 it was upgraded with Mesa Boogie's Multi-Watt channel assignable power amp, an improved effects loop, more channel assignable rectifier choices with Rectifier Tracking, a tuner out jack with Silent Tune, and a new footswitch.