Selmer London was the distribution branch of the Selmer company in the United Kingdom. Selmer London distributed the French-built Selmers, as well as imported the Hofner-built semi-hollowbody models. While a number retained the Hofner trademark, some Hofners were rebranded "Selmer." Hofner also produced a number of UK-only export models which were distributed by Selmer London; such as the President and Golden Hofner (top of the hollowbody electric range).
Selmer semi-hollowbody models to watch for include the Triumph (single cutaway and a single pickup), Diplomat (single cutaway but two pickups), the Emperor and the Astra (two cutaways and two pickups). In the early 1970s, Selmer also marketed a solid body guitar called the Studio (source: Tony Bacon and Paul Day, The Guru´s Guitar Guide).
See also Hofner. Instruments previously built in West Germany from the late 1950s to the early 1970s.