Luthier Harvey Citron has been building high quality, innovative, solid body guitars since the early 1970s. Citron, a noted guitarist and singer, co-founded the Veillette-Citron company in 1975. During the partnership's eight years, they were well-known for the quality of their handcrafted electric guitars, basses, and baritone guitars. Citron also designed the X-92 Breakaway model for Guild and was a regular contributing writer for several guitar magazines.
Citron instruments are available direct from Harvey Citron, or through a limited number of dealers. Citron maintains a current price list and descriptions of his models at his website. His Basic Guitar Set-Up and Repair instructional video is available from Homespun Tapes. For more information contact Citron directly or visit their website.
Instruments currently built in Woodstock, NY. Distributed by Harvey Citron Enterprises. Citron has been building guitars since 1983.